Friday Finishes (more fresh food)

Friday Finishes (more fresh food)

Gardening is cheaper than therapy – and you get unknown Harvest and preservation A fruitful season It has been a generally good season for most of the crops in our backyard gardens this year.  I’ve had 17 varieties of tomatoes that have...
Natural Inspiration

Natural Inspiration

Quiet Reflection Today, some peaceful images from one of my favourite walking routes: Shore Road along the Head of Chezzetcook Inlet in West Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia. The name Chezzetcook comes from a Mi’kmaq word meaning approximately “water moving...
Happy 2021!

Happy 2021!

  Happy New Year Events of 2020 have been frequently described as ‘unprecedented’ and it has certainly been a stressful year for everyone.  Pandemic anxiety, social distancing, quarantine, lock downs, climbing COVID-19 case numbers and constant change with...

3 Steps for writing a new story

On a previous post, Preparing to ‘let it go’, I wrote about approaches to get a realistic assessment of a situation in preparation to let go of lasting regrets or self-recriminations. Easier said than done If I express regrets, friends often advise me to...

Goal to Minimize? Make a plan.

Have you been trying to organize your home without success? Do you find that you just keep moving stuff around and not seeming to make a difference? The first step might be to reduce, to allow yourself space to find a place for everything. This starts with a mindset....
100-Day project

100-Day project

What is a 100-Day project? It is a challenge to complete a short project every day for 100 consecutive days and has become a worldwide phenomenon with people from around the world challenging themselves and others to create – something – every day. History...