Truth and Reconciliation
September 30
Today is Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — an annual commemoration honouring the children who died while attending residential schools and the survivors, families and communities still affected by the legacy of the residential school system.

Make it Count
The David Suzuki Foundation shared these calls for action towards truth and reconciliation
Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Here are ways you can make it count |
On this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we’re all invited to pause and share a moment of silence and reflection, in honour of the thousands of children who died at the hands of Canada’s residential school system. We also invite you to act. Today can’t be marked by silence alone. Too much needs to be done to right the wrongs of this nation’s past and present. There are many ways you can support Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Here are six. But you can also explore your own path in whatever meaningful way you choose.
This country can do better for Indigenous Peoples. It must do better. We hope you will join us at the David Suzuki Foundation in honouring today. |
Learn More
Visit my post We Were Children for more resources to learn about the legacy of the Residential School program and support reconciliation.
Take a course. Here are two that are FREE and online.
Indigenous Canada, from the University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies.
Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education from the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia
Advocate for the TRC 94 Calls for Action
If you are Canadian, write your MP and demand action.
Find Members of Parliament
What can you do?
If you are in Canada, I invite you to take the opportunity today to watch or join special events or presentations designed to expand knowledge of the Indigenous experience and the way to healing the injustices of the past. Even if you are not in Canada, please consider learning more about the history of the Indigenous peoples in your area.
I’m wearing my orange shirt today and this afternoon I will be attending an online panel discussion. I am also starting an online class to learn more about this history that we did not learn in school. What will you do to expand your knowledge today?