Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.
Henry van Dyke
I have been accused of being a perfectionist. It always makes me bristle. “Ridiculous!” I shout. And, as proof, I argue that my work isn’t perfect. Turns out, That is a classic symptom. So is my tendency to take waaaay too long to do just about everything, typically a result of redoing or overthinking or restarting or, worse yet, not starting. All in all, strong evidence of a perfectionist – or at very least, perfectionist tendencies.
It is not like I don’t know I’m doing it. I am aware that that I am taking too long and tell myself to consider it done and move on to the next thing. And I do to – you know, right after just one last adjustment. It is time to get that under control.
I need to let it go so I can accomplish more in less time. And finish more. Take for example past efforts to keep a journal – or blog for that matter – to track progress. Inevitably I miss a day and then feel compelled to ‘catch up’ before moving forward, which obviously somewhat defeats the purpose.
What was my point – oh yeah, not a perfectionist.
Perhaps I could stretch the truth just a little and claim to be a ‘recovering perfectionist’ (read that somewhere at it appeals to me). I’ve made some progress but not nearly enough. It is time to again take up the charge and embrace imperfection.
Perfection stifles creativity AND productivity.
Aim for progress.
Aim for excellence.
Be realistic- about time, expectations, and resources.
Don’t wait for the perfect time.
Start today. TAKE ACTION NOW!!
If you have stories to tell, don’t let perfection be an excuse for getting started. Don’t worry that you have all the details exactly right. Do not stress over finding the perfect font, the ideal picture the best quote.

Get it started. You can always refine or revise – to a point of course.
Progress, not perfection!
Where are you on the perfectionist scale? Are you a perfectionist and proud of it? A sometimes or situational perfectionist? A denying or recovering perfectionist? Or perhaps you are the polar opposite of a perfectionist – would that be an unperfectionist – or maybe anti-perfectionist?
Share strategies you use to make sure that perfectionism doesn’t become procrastination.